Logged In

Follow the necessary steps to reset your password as a logged in member;

  1. Go to your Settings area
  2. Selected the “Password”; Web application;
  3. Enter your current password,
  4. enter a new password,
  5. repeat new password.

Mobile application;

  1. Select “Reset”,
  2. Go to the email account associated to your network’s login, find the “Reset password” email, follow the link and prompts to reset your password.
  3. Your password must contain at least 8 characters and include alphanumeric values.

Logged Out

Follow the necessary steps to reset your password if are logged out of your account;

  1. On the welcome screen, tap "Login"
  2. At the bottom of the screen, click the "Forgot Password?" link.
  3. You will be prompted to enter the email address associated to your network’s account.
  4. Go to the email account associated to your network’s login, find the “Reset password” email, follow the link and prompts to reset your password.